3 bedroom dwelling plus pontential to erect another dwelling at the rear
2084m2 land
You will love the space – 2 sheds in the backyard with vehicle access down the side of the house and from the lane at the rear. Multiple car accommodation.
Situated in a quiet street, handy to shops, bus transport, parks and major arterial roads is this highset 3 bedroom & sleepout highset post war renovator home.
Polished hardwood floors, separate lounge/dining, internal staircase to second toilet and shower downstairs, laundry, single lock-up garage under and loads of storage space.
Currently tenanted at $650 per week, on a lease till 07/01/25.
Not just a house on a huge block as the land is suitable for the erection of a second swelling (a property just 2 doors away has done the 2 dwelling development in recent times) – two houses on the one block (now or in the future) how good is that?