Emergency repairs in a rental property are repairs for:
All other repairs are considered to be routine repairs and should be reported in writing to your property manager as soon as you notice them.
All other repairs are considered to be routine repairs and should be reported in writing to your property manager as soon as you notice them.
In an emergency (as outlined in the list above), a nominated repairer can be contacted directly if the property manager is unavailable.
You will find a nominated repairer listed on your tenancy agreement. Please also email your property manager or Rental Reception with a description of the emergency and details of the type of repair and tradesperson engaged to carry out the repair.
Please note that notifying the Property Manager in writing is a requirement of the RTA.
If the property manager or the nominated repairer cannot be contacted, you can arrange a suitably qualified person to carry out the repair.
Matthews Real Estate recommends the following companies in an emergency. These companies are available 24/7:
AK Blair 07 3398 8141
Austnet 0433 911 110
JenTech Electrical 07 3914 9696
Harvey Home Services 0450 645 884