Matthews Becomes Stratamatt

Matthews Body Corporate Management is becoming Stratamatt Body Corporate Management!

Matthews Real Estate has for a long time operated a real estate business and a body corporate business under the one banner that is Matthews Real Estate. Back in 2016 we separated the businesses so that they operated independently but we never took that next step to officially recognise them as two separate entities.

As a result the time has come to finally change the trading name of the body corporate business to reflect its new persona. So from 4 September 2024 we will be changing the trading name from Matthews Body Corporate Management to its new name of Stratamatt Body Corporate Management.

As you might have guessed, the name Stratamatt is a nod to our 90-year-plus heritage under the “Matthews” real estate brand.

Our rebranding not only represents a clear distinguishing of the two companies; it represents a renewed commitment to partnering with our body corporate clients to achieve the highest level of service, innovation, and excellence in body corporate management.

Against this backdrop, From 21 August, you will start and see the following:

  • New email addresses: As part of our rebranding, our email addresses will change from “…” to “…” (e.g. “” becomes “”).

So if you are emailing us please add the new email address to your email address book or “safe senders list” so future emails do not end up in the Spam or Junk folder.

  • New Separate Website and Visual Identity: We are introducing a new standalone website for Stratamatt and you might notice updates to this website and other collateral to align with our new branding. These changes are intended to make it easier for you to navigate and find the information you need effortlessly.


As a valued Matthews client, we wanted to give you a heads up about these changes and reassure you that our commitment to your service remains unwavering.

Trust Matthews Real Estate, with over 90 years
experience in the Brisbane property market.